Savior "The Lord of Vampire": Characters come
and go in the Darkstalkers series and this particular episode
is no different. Donovan, Huitzil & Pyron step aside,
in order to make way for newcomers like Jedah & Lilith...
But don't worry as Donovan, Huitzil & Pyron return for
Vampire Savior 2. It seems that the scope of the game was
so large that all of the characters could not be included,
there just wasn't enough memory to go around. Because of this
Vampire Savior 2 was released. Words by
Save States:
set of saves from myself. These are some of the best endings
from any CAPCOM game, merely because they do not seem so much
of an after thought as the endings to most other games. Download
zip contains all of the secret characters Supplied by Elmo
Fudd. Download