Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors DreamsStreet Fighter Alpha: Warriors Dreams

After their first forray into CPS-2 territory, CAPCOM decided to give the Street Fighter games a new spin. Instead of a sequel to explore newer elements of the story, They decided to bulk up the existing backstory.

Bringing old and even older characters back to the Streetfighter games, it features the re-appearance of Guy, Birdie and Sodom and also features a little new secret character called Dan.

Trivia Fact! Did you know that Final Fight was originally going to be called StreetFighter 2? It was going to have Ryu in it as the lead!

FinalBurn Save States:

This zip contains each of the characters endings. Unzip them into the state directory. Download

Nebula Save States:

This zip contains each of the characters endings. Unzip them into the STATES directory Download 1 2

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